Friday, 14 December 2012

The Christmas Tag

1. What is your favourite thing about christmas ?

I think my most favourite thing about Christmas and the whole period in general is getting to see all my family loads, and them actually all being together. 

2. What is your favourite make up look for festive the season?

 I don't really have a favourite I guess. I love big black lashes and maybe a red/plum coloured lipstick for a party look? I'm definitely determined to have a smoky eye at least once!

3. Real tree or fake tree?

I absolutely love real trees so much! They look absolutely gorgeous and there's nothing better than the smell of a real Christmas tree. At home we do have a fake one, just because of the space mainly, but I know my Mum would love to have a real one.

4. Giving presents or receiving presents?

I love the whole shopping for presents process, and the wrapping, and the giving... I just love everything about it :)) But then again I do love getting presents too, like everyone, so both?

5. Do you open presents christmas morning or eve / evening

Always open presents on Christmas morning. We go to my Nan's for dinner so on the way we always call at my other relatives and open our presents there too. When I was younger I used to open my presents from my great Nan and her family on christmas eve when I went to visit, but seeing as I usually end up working I don't get the time to anymore :(

6. Handmade christmas cards or bought?

I love handmade cards but unfortunately I'm not really the most crafty person around, so I usually just end up  buying nice cards. Saying that I only buy them for my close family though, I don't tend to send a lot now.

7. What is your favourite christmas film?

I know it'll probably be the same as everyone else's, but I absolutely love Elf. It makes me so happy every time I watch it and its one of those films I could watch over and over again. I've actually just bought it on DVD too, so that'll definitely be happening in the run up to Christmas.

8. What's your favourite christmas food?

I've never ever been a massive fan of the whole roast dinner thing, but Christmas is the only time I actually look forward to it. For some reason cheese and crackers always reminds me of Christmas time, so I tend to stuff my face with those for days around this time.

9. What's your favourite christmas song?

I don't really have a favourite, but I do really love WHAM's Last Christmas. Working at Matalan you kind of get sick of listening to Christmas songs as they play them constantly from about November-January.

10. What's your favourite christmas memory?

Again I don't really have a favourite memory as such, I guess its more of a favourite tradition that used to happen. On Christmas morning we could always drag our huge Santa sacks into my Mum and Dad's bedroom, then sit on the bed and open them all. They'de be sat in bed with a cup of coffee, while me and my brother would cover the whole bed in wrapping paper. Then we'de take all our presents downstairs and lay them out in the dining room and they wouldn't move for days. 

I'd love to read your Christmas Tags, so feel free to leave your links below. 


  1. I've done this tag too

  2. I love reading other peoples tags! :D here is my tagg
    Sofia x

    1. Thank you lovely I'll check it out now! I know I love reading everyone's posts like this haha :))

      Terri xo
